High time to share information about minor update. Minor in number and there is not really much visible changes but engine responsible for event types has been fully reworked.
What this change means for a sailor? It opens in near future way to creating own event type – including “Lost All Anchors” or “No more beer”. There was also feature request to manage events on the yacht you are owning.
Visible change is in events where you can add text – like Port Visited. Simply it is readable at last.
Trip Certificates are now going through AppStore approval and should be ready for download next week. There are some nice changes both in UI (it still needs a hug and some improvements as functions are evolving).
First of all both Trip and Crew member information stores some extra fields like list of visited ports, time sailing, mooring time etc. These fields can be collapsed so look for a header and touch it. On Trip this is in Edit section so swipe trip left to get there.
There are two ways to easy move Trip data to Crew members: Either use Sync on Crew list view or get sync individually on each Crew member card.
After syncing information you can change it of course as someone could join later or in different port.
Another change on Trip is that Captain is picked from Crew List. If you edit Trip and click icon next to Captain name you get to Crew list view with option to create new Crew Member. Small warning: person chosen as Captain does not get automatically role of Captain on Crew view. Yet.
And finally Captain can update Crew members with opinion which is expected by some yachting associations on Trip certificates.
And finally key element of release 1.8! Generate PDF trip summary for Crew member. It can be then sent, printed (for signing by captain) – whatever you want. During first run Templates for documents will be downloaded from the cloud. If for some reasons they are not there open Settings and About view to refetch them. In future there will be separate section for managing the templates. If you want to have your template – for club, association or other – let me know and we will think about it. Today there is a mySailing template in Polish and English.
One of interesting features coming in version 1.8 is possibility to generate certificates after completed sailing. To support this feature both Trip and Crew member information have been extended with fields which collect information about saling time, visited ports or captain’s opinion.
Most of these entries can be simply synchronised with information from the Trip. Also information about Captain is not collected from the Crew list.
Picture above presents example template for confirmation with information expected for Polish sailing certificates. All templates are stored online and must be downloaded by application. This also means if you need particular passage confirmation it can be configured and added any time – just let me know. Filled documented can be shared by any messaging app or simply printed. Choice is yours!
When applying for new sailing certificates often we must collect confirmation of trips and passages. Such confirmation is signed by skipper or shipowner and must be presented to certification organisation like PYA or RYA during exam.
Usually such confirmation presents information about time spent under sails, on engine, tidal waters, conditions etc.
New version allows to collect most of necessary data under the Trip and then share it with all Crew members. Crew member can also received individual opinion from skipper. All data can be then presented using some templates – during testing there is PYA template available.
mySailing is coming with small update allowing to capture events directly from Instruments view. What does it mean?
First mark one of your trips as default one by swiping it right on view with trips list. And choose orange lightbulb:
Default trip on list of trips is decorated with green frame while all other trips have blue border. Default trip is also visible on main menu on AppleWatch as a shortcut for adding evens and on top of Instruments view. We can also call it Active trip.
Now go to Instruments view:
On iPhone touch Pin button next to SOG or COG and value will be added to Trip surrounded by green border.
On Apple Watch simply tap the view with SOG or COG.
If Settings “Location to all events” is enabled location will be added to the event.
Version 1.7.2 will received several fixes and improvements. Most important will be Anchor Alert usable on iPhone and AppleWatch (due to battery life maybe stick to phone).
After a few sailing races when I had to update ship’s log I have decided to develop tracker application for events during the watch. It is currently in Beta version, struggling with some icons but more to come.
mySailing should work on any Apple Watch under watchOS 8.7+. It currently allows:
Select preferred events to register
Course/Speed events
Set sails
Log state entry
Works with Complication on watch face
English/Polish support
iPhone version is also available
More events to come after getting feedback and personal experience during sailing. If you want to join TestFlight – follow link for public beta versions.